Band Pass Filters in Image Preprocessing

4 min readMay 8, 2024

Assume you’re in your collage festival where various different artists perform at several different stages and each artist performs on different theme, there is mesh of sounds and music around you but you want to focus on energetic rock music coming from one specific stage, and filter other sounds which seems noise for you when you’re trying to focus is on particular type of music which is rock in our example, band pass acts as filter that keeps range of specific frequencies you want to hear clearly for better experience. Similarly in images whenever our objective is to highlight specific type of properties of image, band pass filter mask adjusts the settings, for attenuating frequencies outside the desired passband while allowing those within the passband to pass through with minimal change. With which we essentially “mute” the unwanted frequencies in the image, enhancing the details within the chosen frequency range.

What is Band pass filter?

As name suggests ‘band pass’ it means that it is type of filter in image preprocessing which pass only range (band) of frequencies within an image while attenuating frequencies outside that band. It is used for dropping certain frequency components from the image. For example, in aerial images it may use to highlight certain patterns from the image.

