Butterworth Low Pass Filter in Image Pre-processing

4 min readJul 12, 2024

Ringing effect in output after smoothing process is common remember that Ideal loss pass filters, once applied over image it smooths image and shows rings were also appeared around the object. This post is about exploring another important loss pass filter ‘Butterworth loss pass filter’ which is also applied for smoothing process but it generates lesser ringing effect than Ideal loss pass filter (ILPF) and even with better smoothing effects than ILPF. So, let’s start with definition of Butterworth loss pass filter.

What is Butterworth loss pass filter ?

Butterworth is type of low pass filter that allows low frequency components, and dropping the high frequncy components of the images.It is used to smoothing the images, and reduce the noise with enchancing the details of the images.

Elements of the Butterworth loss pass filter

Cutoff Frequency: The cutoff frequency is the theshold frequcny at which the filter starts to attenuate the image frequencies.

Frequency Response: The Butterworth filter’s frequency response is flat in the band pass region and reaches smoothly towards zero in the band stop.

Order of the Filter: The filter’s order determines the level of details captured whenever there is transition…




Written by Sumitkrsharma

Data scientist | AI researcher

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