High pass filters in image preprocessing in computer vision
Remember when you tried to captured a perfect shot of your pet’s motion but some unwanted blurry regions make that shot not presentable then photo editing tool makes those edges sharper and gives it better visual appearance, here high-pass filters are playing vital role these are operations behind in converting those blurry regions into shaper ones. This post is about brief understanding of high pass filters in image preprocessing, let’s start with definition and explore some key things related to high pass filters.
What is high pass filters?
A high pass filter is operation that pass only frequencies having values greater than cutoff frequency and eliminating the low frequencies components of images.
In simpler terms high pass filters are operations which mitigate unwanted blurness into regions of the images and sharping the input regions.
Popular high pass filters
Butterworth High-Pass Filter: commonly used for removing low-frequency noise in signals.
Ideal High-Pass Filter: considered as theoretical reference for filter design.
Elliptic High-Pass Filter: commonly used for isolating specific frequency bands.